Baby Ecklet Update: It's a Girl!!

As readers may know from my previous post about gender reveal parties, I stressed a lot about how to tell my family if Baby Ecklet was going to be a He or a She. I finally decided to go with Koolaid powder! Both blue and red/pink Koolaid is white when it's still dry and in powder form, so I had my family eat a spoonful of Koolaid powder on a spoon (with some sugar because straight Koolaid powder is pretty rough).


Then all stick out their tongues an see what color they were! (Note: Apparently the sugar wasn't enough to mask the crazy sourness-hence the odd faces.)


Later that day, I did the same thing with my in-laws. They didn't get sugar because I thought the red would show up better (and the kid's faces are just priceless!).


And now the cat's out of the bag! Honestly, I was really hoping for a girl. And now I can't wait for Husband to turn into a doting marshmallow when he first sees her. He can already feel her little kicks, and it's so sweet. =)


But I only give it a week before he's back to refining his physical and mental training regimen for raising optimal Ecklets.